Victoria Hennessey Cummins
Historian and Author
Victoria H. Cummins is the A. M. Pate Jr. Chair of History, Emerita, at Austin College in Sherman, Texas, where she taught from 1978 until 2020. She earned an MA and a PhD in history from Tulane University. She was a Fulbright Scholar to Spain and Mexico. Her current research deals with the role women have played in Texas regional art, a project that grew out of her long-standing interest in the Mexican muralist movement of the 1920s to the 1950s. In addition to giving numerous presentations on early Texas art to scholarly and civic groups around Texas, she has published “Black Club Women and the Promotion of the Visual Arts in Early Twentieth Century Texas,” and “Prejudice and Pride: Women Artists and the Public Works of Art Project in East Texas, 1933–1934.” She has coauthored a number of book chapters with Light Townsend Cummins, including “Frances Battaile Fisk Clubwoman and Promoter of the Visual Arts in Texas,” in Texas Women: Their Histories, Their Lives, and “New Deal Programs Supporting the Visual Arts in Texas,” in Conflict and Cooperation: Reflections on the New Deal in Texas.